8 Days Safaris


Daily Tour

Tour Type


Group Size

1+ Person


Any Language

  • 01
    Day 1:Arrival

    We will pick you up at either Kilimanjaro International Airport or Arusha Airport, according to your arrival times and destination,One of our guides will wait for you at the airport to help you with your luggages and take you to either at your hotel/lodge or to the City of Arusha where your adventure will begin.Arusha city is one of the most important Cities in the country,which has surrounded by wonderful natural parks,Is the perfect place to start your Journey,The City has located at the foot of Mount Meru,which is the second highest point in the Country,Arusha is a multi-cultural city a range of religions and cultures that coexist in total harmony.you will have unlimited cold water in our cars. We will transfer you to the hotel if you are too tiref but ww will invite to stroll  around the city, enter its markets and mingle with its people or have a taste of a delicious local beers,you will be suprised by the proximity and friendliness of this city of Great Rift Valley or its also called The Geneva of Africa .(Accomodation and breakfast)

  • 02
    Day 2:City of Arusha to Tarangire National Park(2850 km2/1005mi2)

    We will pick you up at the Lodge/Hotel in Arusha and head to Tarangire National Park to make our Safaris.The Park has extended along the Tarangire River line and consists mainly of low hillson the plain pf the Great Rift Valley.Its natural vegetation consists of acacia forests and gigantic baobab trees,with huge swampy areas in the south,in the middle of the morning we will make a stop to stretch our legs and drink if you wish a tea,or coffee that gives us the energy necessary to continue our safari.In Tarangire both the river and the marshes act as a magnet for wild animals,During the dry season of Tanzania. Tarangire National Park has a reputation for containing some of the Africa's largest herds of elephants.

    After so many hours of emotions we will make a stop for lunch and replenish strength,with a picnic meal in one of the many enableb areas within the park,Then we will resume our safari,This Africa's National Park is also a home for a three rare species of animals:Kudu,the Fringed eared oryx and the Ashy starling,

    Transfer to Lodge/Hotel, Dinner and accomodation

  • 03
    Day 3:Tarangire /Ngorongoro/Serengeti National Park

    After breakfast, we start with a trip to Ngorongoro Conservation Area, a unique landscape awaits you,From its viewpoint we will see the impressive panorama of the Crater in all  its splendor.During our tour we will observe multiple Maasai bomas, wildlife and we will make a stop on the way so that you can take some photos surrounded by these incredible landscapes and enjoyyour tea or coffee ,and we will continue driving south to enter the Serengeti National Park,and continuing our safari during our route,

    There's a lot to watch more than 1.5 millions of wildebeests,and 600000-700000 zebras are on their way here on the famous annul Migration.we will serve a picnic meal.Once you arrive at the lodge/camp full of emotions and adventures await you while dining comfortably in the middle of savannah and sleeping surrounded by the sounds of nature.

    Dinner and accomadation at the lodge/camp

  • 04
    Day 4:Serengeti National Park(14763 km2/5700mi2)

    Before  breakfast another incredible day in Serengeti awaits you.At14763km2, the Serengeti National Park is the Largest National Park in Tanzania and one of the largest on the African continent.we will leave early in the morning for a full day game drive in the park,Serengeti National Park is also known as a house of the "Big 5".we will stop in the middle of the morning for tea or coffee and continue in searching of Wildebeests migration,including Predators(Lions,leopards,cheetahs,) and other mammals like, zebras,gazelles,hippos,hyenas,the black rhinos,girrafes(National animal of Tanzania),The herds of Elephants and African buffaloes,are some of the many animals species that can be found in the Serengeti National Park, we will eat the picnic lunch in the middle of the savannah and contininue with our adventure 

    The Serengeti National Park is the Oldest National Park in Tanzania and the Main tourists attraction of the Country.it was declared as a World Haritage Site by UNESCO in 1981,and its wildlife is incomparable wealth,it will be so nice if you will have your photographic equipment always while in Serengeti National Park,     Dinner and accomodation at the lodge/camp

    Don't miss the opportunity to observe the wonderful sky in the African night or to  hear a beautiful Masai legend by the fire, if you wish we can help you hire a ballon safari service, Don't forget that,definitely is a special way that you may observe the Serengeti National Park.

  • 05
    Day 5:Serengeti National Park(14763km2/5700mi2)

    Our day begins with a morning tour in the center of the Serengeti.For animals that's the most active time of the day, it's still not too hot, so it's the best opportunity to see predators hunting.Serengeti   is tought to have Africa's largest Lion Population,in part due to the large number of animals that serve prey to them,there are currently more than 350 lions living in the park's ecosystem and more than 1000 Africa's Leopards, so they are frequently seen throughout the park

    We will stop to have our morning snacks with tea or coffee,then we will continue with our adventure until afternoon and then we will have a picnic lunch as we watch the herds grazing placidly around us,and after then well-deserved rest we will continue with our adventure,

    Have you seen the Big Five?Feel like in a National Geographic documentary,as you go looking for the one you're missing,there's no better place than the Magical Serengeti for it.The Serengeti National Park is also the home to hundreds of birds,such as crowned crane,the kori bustard,The secretary birds,Ostriches, etc, Once in your accommodation, do not miss the opportunity, if you have not already done so, to observe a sunset in the Savanna.   Dinner and accomodation at the lodge or camp

  • 06
    Day 6:Serengeti National Park/Ngorongoro Crater(19.2km diameter,610 deep,304 km2)

    Afrer breakfast we will depart with our picnic lunch,we will leave the Magnificent Serengeti National Park to get on the road to Ngorongoro Conservation area,we will resume our way back  through the Endless plain and enjoying our daily safari during the route

    Ngorongoro Area is a protected area located 180 km west of Arusha city in Tanzania's Volcanic highlands,The conservation area runs along the boarder of Ngorongoro District,The protected area covers an area of 8288km2.In Ngorongoro conservation Area we can find nine Volcanoes, of which only one of them is active,the OLDOINYO LENGAI.Also there are one of Tanzania's most interesting and World- renowed sites,the impressive Ngorongoro Crater.    Picnic food ,dinner and accommodation in the vicinity of the Crater,

  • 07
    Day 7:Ngorongoro Crater

    After breakfast,we will descend 2000 feet to the bottom of the crater in our 4*4 vehicle to explore this Garden of Eden,Ngorongoro is huge,deep volcanic crater with rich pastures,swamps,fotrests and permanent water on the crater floor,that's why the wildife here are so diverse and numerous,as usual in the middle of the morning we will stop for a cup of tea or coffee or some butter cookies to resume our safari with energy,there are up to 25000 large animals that live here,it will be the best opportunity to see the Black rhino and many other rare species,we will have a fantastic day and we will see the wildlife at its best

    The Ngorongoro crater is one of  the best place in the to photograph the wild animals up close without interfering or altring their daily life,is also a paradise of Flora and Fauna, without a doubt a unique place,in the afternoon we will go back to the crater walls to return to our lodge/camp,if you have an opportunity to obesrve the sunset over the crater ,feel lucky,it's one of the image you won't forget for the rest of your life,Dinner and accomodation at the lodge/camp 

  • 08
    Day 8:Ngorongoro/Arusha /Airport

    Today is our last day,so after breakfast,we will head to the city of Arusha.If your Schedule allows,we advise you to take advantage of this day to buy souvenirs in the city,Tanzania craftsmanship is a real marvel,Transfer to the airport for international flight

  • 09


    .All arrival and departure transfers at the airport

    .Landcruiser-type 4*4 vehicle

    .English/Spanish/French or Germany speaking professional driver/guide throughout the safari 

    .Entry fees to the national parks mentioned above

    .Full board or half board(According to contracted plan)Throughtout the safari.

    .Accomodation and breakfast at the Arusha Hotel.

    .Botted mineral water during the safari(unlimited)

    .Electric fridge in the 4*4 vehicle to keep drinks cool/


    .Any service not specified as included 

    .International and domestic flight.

    .Any type of Visa.

    .Drinks of any kind in the hotels except where indicated

    .Driver tips/guides and personal  extras

    .Travel insurance,transportation costs,in case of emergency,personal medical need,

    .Extra activities during the trip

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