North, Tanzania

Daily Tour

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1+ Person


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Welcome to Lake Manyara National Park, well known for the Tree climbing lions, the soda ash lake that attracts thousands of pink flamingos ,one of the Tanzania's big elephant population and breathtaking scenery. Lake Manyara National Park provides a unique wilderness experience, including diverse landscapes such as the Rift Valley soda/alkaline Lake, dense woodlands, open grasslands and attractive mountainsides.

Lake Manyara is set below the Rift Valley escarpment. It's comprised of the Lake, the ground water forest, swamps, acacia bushes and the hot spring to the south. The name "Manyara"comes from the Maasai language "Emanyara" which is an Euphorbia tirucalli, is the species of plant that grows into a hedge around a family homestead. Lake Mnyara National Park has administered by the Tanzania National Park Authority(TANAPA),and covers an area of 325km2  (125sq mil)  , including about 230 sq km,(89 sq mi)of a lake surface,more than 350 species of birds have been observed on the lake. 

The park has established in 1960. Lake Manyara National Park centres around its alkaline or soda  lake,which is a key habitat for hundreds of bird species. Between November and April,thousands of greater  and Lesser Flamingos gather on its shores,along with pink-backed pelicans,yellow billed storks,grey herons,and pods of hippos,its ground water forest with mahogany and sausage trees are alive with blue and vervet monkeys, Sorrounding the lake are marshlands,grassy plains and acacia woodlands,the park is a home to tree-climbing lion and the long-tusked elephant,and girrafe,accross the grasslands where herds of buffaloes,zebras and wildebeests graze.

Other animals which are also found in the park are baboons, warthogs, impalas ,hippos, bushbucks, waterbucks, grants and thompson's gazelles, also there are predators animals in the park, these include Lions, Leopards, African wild cats, spotted hyenas, black backed jackals, bat eared fox, serval, honey badgers, African civets, genets, mongoose, cheetah and African golden cats are sighted occassionally. In Lake Manyara National Park, you can enjoy a game drives within the park, and walking safaris, you can visit the Maji Moto/hot springs to soak in the warm, clean water under the shade of leafy trees.


Lake Manyara National Park, is located 126km(78 mil) South west of Arusha, and can be reached by car in an hour and half to two hours. The park can be also reached from Babati  where is the Capital city of Manyara Region. Lake Manyara airport is nearby to the south, situated on the escarpment above the park. Lake Manyara National Park is a part of the Lake Manyara Biosphere Reserve. Lake Manyara including the area within and outside the National Park.

Lake Manyara Specialties

  • - Diverse scenery and animals
  • - Tree climbing lions
  • - An abundance of Elephants
  • - Water birds in abundance
  • - Walking safaris
  • - Canoeing
  • - Canopy tour
  • - Bird watching and hot local meals that gives someone the reason to smile


The Park experiences bi-modal rainfall season with short rains starting from November to December and long rains from February to May and dry season is from late June to October. It is located at an altitude between 850 and 2000 meters with annual average rainfall ranging from 650 to 760mm.


There is one luxury lodge within the Park, bandas, hostel and a number of campsites. All other overnight options for Manyara are outside the Park including many on the edge of the Rift Valley with wonderful views across the valley.